As she arrived at her home, Megan McGlynn was just getting her one and five year old children, out of her van when shots rang out. Manatee County sheriff’s deputy Aaron Bradley aimed and fired at a vehicle that was heading directly toward him and another deputy. McGlynn quickly protected…
South Florida Criminal Attorneys Blog
Married Couple Charged in Charity Fraud Aimed at Senior Citizens
A married couple charged with swindling seniors mainly in Florida, Colorado and Texas, as well as more than 30 other states across the country were among some of the recent enforcement actions taken by the Security & Exchange Commission (SEC). The victims were told they were investing in a charitable…
Guilty of Accessory After the Fact in Head Found in Everglades Case
Robert Mackey, 44 was convicted of trying to cover up a crime. The original charge against Mackey was second-degree murder. He was accused of being one of the two men who killed Lorraine Hatzakorzian, a New York woman, and then cut her into pieces; pitching her head into a canal…
Broward County Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Sex Trafficking of Minors
U.S. District Judge Daniel T.K. Hurley sentenced Fort Lauderdale man Van Lawson Williams, 49, to life in prison last week after being found guilty of charges of attempted sex trafficking of minors and sex trafficking in violation of Title 18, United States Code, (section14 1591(a)). The sentencing was announced by…
New Strict Anti-DUI Device Legislation Introduced in California
Gerald “Jerry” Hill is a Democratic member of the Senate who represents the 13th district for California. Throughout a career encompassing over 20 years as a public servant he was on the San Mateo City Council, serving one term as Mayor, as well as the San Mateo County Board of…
Engagement Ring Connected to Insurance Fraud Arrest
In a news release from the Department of Insurance, former full-time North Carolina resident Nathan Daniel Cooperman, 40, was charged with one count of insurance fraud and one count of obtaining property by false pretense in an announcement made by Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin detailed at the time of Cooperman’s…
Son Slays Father, Sets Fire on New Year’s Eve
A Holiday, Florida man was arrested early Thursday morning after he allegedly stabbed his Father to death and then poured gasoline on the body setting it ablaze inside the master bedroom of their home located at 5617 Mosaic Drive, according to the Pasco Sheriff’s Office. Firefighters were able to contain…
Arizona Woman Pleads Not Guilty to Running over Husband for Not Voting in Presidential Election
A six month pregnant Gilbert, Arizona woman was arrested and charged with domestic violence and aggravated assault last month after becoming enraged when she discovered that her husband didn’t vote in last month’s Presidential election. According to witnesses, Holly Solomon, 28, was seen arguing with her husband Daniel in a…
Woman Arrested in Sandy Hook Massacre Charity Scam
Setting up a Pay Pal account for donations and using her Facebook page to publicize her idea a Bronx, New York woman allegedly set a fraudulent scam into motion claiming to be the aunt of one of the children slain in the Newtown, Connecticut. School massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary…
Kidnapping Plot Accomplice Sentenced as “Mastermind” Faces Trial
Small business owner, Pavlos “Paul” Kaimacliotis was sentenced on Monday to a federal prison term in excess of 10 years for his role in a kidnapping conspiracy that was infiltrated and thwarted by the FBI earlier this year. Kaimacliotis, 36, of Jupiter, cut a plea deal back in August to…